Sunday, October 13, 2013

Go, Bring Them In

The theme for the Glenmoor Stake Youth Trek is Go, Bring Them In

It is taken from the invitation of Brigham Young at the October 1856 General Conference to rescue the Martin and Willie handcart companies who were in desperate peril on the snow covered plains of Wyoming.

"Go and bring in those people now on the plains" was the message to the Church from President Young, and the rest of the story is an amazing tribute to the call of duty, sacrifice and unconquerable spirit of the Latter-day Saints in following the call from the Lord's prophet (see this talk from Elder James E. Faust for more information).

As we move forward today, the purposes of our trek follow modern day prophetic priorities to: 
  • Remember-to appreciate the sacrifices of the pioneers and our families.
  • Prepare-strengthen our testimonies as we prepare for the challenges of the future. 
  • Serve-reach out to others through missionary and temple service.
We hope that you are looking forward to June 2014, it is going to be an experience that you won't want to miss!

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